Monday, December 8, 2008

My Winter Vacation To-Do List

For the next 30 days or so I have zero educational obligations so as a means of celebration, I will reveal the to-do list that I have been mentally composing since the end of August...

1. Learn absolutely nothing about Human Resources or Organizational Development. In fact, I might actually forget the few things that I do know.
2. Engage in ridiculous amounts of recreational reading. On deck: Marley and Me.
3. Watch mindless television beginning this evening with the series finale of Boston Legal.
4. Dust on a regular basis. I am actually looking forward to grandmother would be so proud.
5. Bake. Bake. Bake. 'Tis the season, after all.
6. Paint my nails.
7. Resume my routine of going to the gym at least 5 days per week.
8. Clean out my closest. Nothing like the end of year trip to Goodwill.
9. Christmas shop...that should take all of 5 minutes since half of my gift list is getting x-rays of my dog's insides.
10. Become bored out of my gourd.
11. Catch up with dear friends that I haven't seen in years. (Angel...I'm coming to visit whether I'm invited or not!)
12. Drink my weight in Caramel Apple Spice from Starbucks.
13. Repeat 1-12.

Gotta' go. So much to little time.


Unknown said...

OH MY GOODNESS...Carmel Apple Spice is my FAVORITE from S-Bucks! I knew we had something in common! much love.

Angel said...

You don't ever, ever need an invitation to visit. and when you come, we're going to Starbucks to take care of #12. I'll try a Caramel Apple Cider and then I'll have my fav: a Soy Green Tea Latte...and a brownie.

Suzanna said...

Congratulations on being DONE! Angel, I'm coming with her when she visits so I get to see both of you!

Jenny said...

Will you PLEASE come dust at my house since you love it so much?! It will be like my Christmas present to you.

Anonymous said...

X-rays of your dog's insides?

OK, I am totally lost. What did I miss?