Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My 12 Days of Christmas

Hi, blogosphere. I'm back after a bit of a holiday hiatus. Do you all remember Christmas? It seems like eons ago, right? Its only fitting now that nearly 12 days have passed since the most recent celebration of the dear lord baby Jesus's birth, I will attempt to recap how I spent my Christmas vacation. Initially I had planned to just sleep through the entire season of giving and joy and celebration. But then I determined that if I slept through the gift exchange someone else would get to open my presents. And there's nothing that two boys within the 12-17 year age range want more than a crock pot or coffee maker.

I'm happy to report that I started and finished all of my Christmas shopping approximately 5 days before Christmas. I did simplify my gift-giving a great deal this year because shopping for people who already have tons of stuff stresses. me. out. The boys and I engaged in a little friendly competition this year to see which of us could come up with the "best" gifts for each other from Goodwill. I'm quite proud of my PCB"belly buster" shirt and blinged-out handbag. With any luck, I'll wear them together while out on the town here in the Classic City. I don't know if I should tell you all to Beware or to be excited.

Probably the biggest thing to report is that during my 12 days of Christmas, I was literally home for 12 days. And by home, I mean mom's house. I'm pretty sure I haven't spent 12 days in a row there since I was in college. Not that I have this crazy aversion to my's more that I very much love my space with my things and my bed and my kitchen and my time, blah blah blah. Call me an independent only-child. It wouldn't be the first time I've been called one of those. I'm happy to report that a good time was had by all during my 12 days of captivity (Oh, I kid!).

In addition to lots of family time, I enjoyed the snow on Christmas Day (in! the! South!), catching up on my recreational reading, catching up with some sweet friends, seeing Common Thread at Smith's Olde Bar, spending NYE in Atlanta to the tunes of the Zac Brown Band, and watching True Grit to start off the first day of 2011.

This post provides me with plenty of opportunity to share pictures of my 12 days. That was my original intent BUT my fancy-smancy new-fangled phone is taking its own sweet time sending some of the pictures that I've taken over the course of the holidays. Instead I'll just cheat and include this hyperlink which makes my pictures from the 2010: Chapter 12 Facebook album accessible to you all . With any luck my pictures that I took with my phone in 2010 will show up in my inbox sometime before the end of 2011 and I'll eventually include those in the FB album. Why am I sharing my inner thoughts and monologue with you three here who have been so kind to stop by and read? No idea. I'll add that to my laundry list of things to work on in 2011.

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