Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fun with Ethan

This past weekend, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend some time with Ethan. Or baby brother #1 as I often refer to him. Even though he isn't much of a baby anymore. He will be 15 in a mere 10 days. I'm pretty certain that I'm not prepared for the fact that he is coming to a road near you...or me...or anyone for that matter. We began the weekend by going to watch the Diamond Dogs play their last game of the season. Unfortunately, things did not turn out so well for the home team but we had a grand time anyway. The next day after church we went to see The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian. If you haven't seen it yet, well then according to Siskel and Ebert (yes they still critique movies from the grave...wait, maybe only one is in the grave), you're missing out. It's great...even if it is 2 hours and 20 minutes long. If you're accustomed to a Sunday afternoon nap like I am, then learn from me, Sunday afternoon is not the best time to watch it. But I managed to make it without falling asleep. Unlike I did that time in Notting Hill. To this day I refer to that ridiculously boring movie as Nodding Off. I know, I know, I probably just lost a few friends. I digress. Back to my weekend...For those of you who haven't seen Ethan since he was 5 years old running up and down the halls of Lewis Annex in his cowboy boots and Batman cape, introducing himself as Walker, Texas Ranger to everyone he met along the way, I'm including a picture that I took on Saturday.
He's the cute one in the family. Ok, here is one of the things that I love about my baby brother. Even during the terrible teen years, the boy is so comfortable in his own skin. Please take note of the velcro tennis shoes he is sporting in the picture. According to him they are cool and everyone will be wearing them soon. All I know is that if he is responsible for velcro shoes being the next big thing, then he and I are going to have words. Fortunately (or unfortunately) he's "cool" enough among the high school crowd to succeed. I do love him though...velcro shoes and all!

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