Monday, August 9, 2010

Quite frankly, I wonder if we'll make it to 2012.

This morning at our annual breakfast, a faculty member excitedly announced that one of the speakers for the colloquium series this year was some expert on the year 2012. And by excitedly I mean that she might as well have been announcing that our back to school bonus consisted of a complimentary root canal sans anesthesia. Calm down, taxpayers, a bonus is something that I've only heard about on television. Kind of like Bigfoot or that weird goat thing that allegedly roams around Texas.

So what's so special about 2012, other than the obvious of Team Red Elephant's possible return as DC's home team and the Summer Games in London? They say that according to the Mayan calendar, we are done on 12/21/2012. As in, an apocolypse of epic proportions. Whomever they are. Perhaps I should go to the presentation in the fall because honestly I don't know any specifics other than that. There was even a movie released towards the end of last year, but I went to see The Fantastic Mr. Fox instead. No, not really!

However as of late, a few things have happened that lead me to wonder if we'll make it that long. Here's why:

Enrique Iglesias is back on the radio. There is even a "Jersey Shore" version of his latest single, I Like It. I actually listened to the lyrics this afternoon on my way home from work and they made my blood boil. [Much like Jacob Black] Really, Enrique? "My girlfriend is out of town and I am all alone. Your boyfriend is out of town and he doesn't have to know." I wonder what he would think if he happened to be the boyfriend out of town visiting his grandma in the assisted living community? I suppose this isn't a concern for him though since one can run, one can hide, but one can't escape his love. He's not the only one encouraging cheating though.

The other day I read an article on that is authored by 'Sugarbabe' on negotiated infidelity. You can read it for yourself here, but I'll warn you, it will potentially make you disappointed in humanity. Or maybe that's just me. In short she says that men who cheat are normal while monogamous men are heroes. I'm not even going to acknowledge the ridiculousness of this. I will say though that we'll talk when there is a man in the world writing an article about "negotiated weight gain". You know, women who don't give in to chocolate cravings and gain a few extra pounds here and there are the heroes so it's ok for us normal gals to just let ourselves go and give in to every sweet craving that comes our way. Puh-lease.

The Bachelor Pad on ABC. It's on my TV right now (for research purposes, of course) and Elizabeth, a girl from Jake's season, is back on this show but now she's new and improved with blonde hair. According to her, blondes can behave differently because it's acceptable for them to act a little more ditzy. And she was excited about this opportunity. Hook-ups, betrayal, competition, and greed are all on tap for this season of The Bachelor Pad. Smut. Pure smut. What happened to the good old days when The Simpson's had the "most questionable" content on television?

The engagement (and then break-up) of Bristol and Levi. It would be a favor to us all if Jesus came back now so this on-again-off-again bad ABC afterschool special come to life situation would be put to rest forever. Bless their hearts.

Justin Bieber's memoir, Obviously he feels a sense of urgency to get his story out before it's too late. Although, I find it somewhat unfortunate that the chapter about how puberty ruined his life because it caused his voice to change and therefore ended his music career won't be included. It's the stars who come back from adversity that make for the best E True Hollywood Stories. Right now he is at the top of his game with three year olds in fits of tears because they love him so much. I think she's got shot with him in 20 years. Except that will be 2030 and well, if the calendar is correct this is a moot point.

If Brett Favre actually retires, I will keep my eyes on those Eastern skies.

I mean, seriously...what is the world coming to? And when did I become the old lady sitting around speculating about what the world is coming to? Get me to the nearest Bridge club or quilting circle, stat!

I know that it appears that I'm making light of something serious. It is very serious, indeed and shouldn't be taken lightly. Please don't misunderstand the fact that my prayer is that all three of my readers have the same hope in the same source as I do. I imagine that I'll be Christmas shopping on December 21, 2012. I certainly don't plan to be sitting around with my Y2K flashlight and bottled water because I believe that "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." so I'll probably save that water and those batteries in the flashlight for a time when I might really need them.

1 comment:

Joni said...

that's our tenth anniversary! I thought it was tin or something, not end of the world. haha