Saturday, July 19, 2008

Athens Anniversary

They say time flies when you're having fun. Who are "they", anyway? It's hard to believe that I have been in Athens for a year this week. Especially considering that this is probably one of the last places in the Eastern time zone that I would have ever chosen to live. While it's no Dahlonega (nor will it ever be), there are many perks to living in the Classic City. I love love love the convenience of being 2 minutes from Publix, Old Navy, Barnes & Noble and Chick-fil-A. Not that I go to Chick-fil-A all that often, it's nice to know it's close in the event of an insatiable urge for chicken fried in peanut oil. The energy in this town during football season is contagious as well so that has been fun too. I really like the downtown area even though I'm still mastering parking there. I'm also still mastering this: The Loop
Loop 10 is quite possibly one of the most baffling things I have ever encountered in my life. Can someone please explain to me how it can be considered a loop when at one point, you have to get off of the loop in order to stay on the loop. I'm getting better, but more often than not, I go the wrong way on the silly thing. There are other things that I'm still working on as well that hopefully I will accomplish during year #2. For instance, finding someone in the area to cut my hair. No. My hair is not "just hair" that "will grow". This head of hair can quickly result in a hairmare if a stylist without experience with natural curls takes scissors to it. I also haven't found a church that I just love here yet either. Athens Church is where I go most regularly, but it's just different from what I am accustomed to. However I am constantly learning that God sometimes has to take us out of our comfort zones in order for us to become the people He wants us to be. And I still haven't had any Michael Stipe sightings either. Never mind the fact that he's on tour. There are many other positives to being here too. I love the people I work with. I have always been fortunate to have a pretty great working environment, but this one is by far the best. The great peeps are the reason why, and I am so appreciative of how they welcomed me in like I've always been a part of the team at The OC. Another good thing (which is the primary reason I moved in the first place) is that I'm becoming smarter every day thanks to my graduate program. Ok, that whole smarter every day thing is open for debate, but I am earning another piece of paper to put in a fancy frame. My time here in Athens is only temporary (this coming from the girl who lived in Dahlonega 6 years longer than originally planned) so I plan to make the most of it while I'm here.


Suzanna said...

Well, I have lived in (full or part time) Athens for most of 29 years, and I still call Dad every time I have to get on or near the loop to ask which way to go. So you are way ahead of the game!

It warms my heart that you are in my hometown--Happy Athens Anniversary!

allison said...

Just so you know, I lived there 18 years and never figured out the loop. I was constantly going the wrong direction.