Monday, January 5, 2009

If I Were the Surgeon General

I would mandate that there be warnings prior to the beginning of certain reality shows. Take The Bachelor, for example. Here are some potential Surgeon General Warnings:

Watching The Bachelor will result in loss of brain cells.
Watching The Bachelor will result in a terribly skewed perception of reality.
Participating in The Bachelor will result in mental instability with side effects including but not limited to hysteria.
By participating in The Bachelor you put yourself at risk of injury from excessive cat-fighting.

Did anyone else watch this? Is anyone else as appalled by such behavior as I am? Do these people seriously think that they are going to form a meaningful and lasting relationship all the while people sit at home on their sofas and soak this stuff up like it's the sun? Here are my thoughts:
To me, watching the introductions is like watching a bad Rush (Recruitment these days) party. There are all of these dolled up young women DYING to make a good impression and they do ridiculous stuff in the process. Like the time back in college when a girl (who shall remain nameless because I don't want her to beat me up) showed up on the first night of Rush wearing a green shirt, green skirt and green tights.

Ok, so it's all great that he's a single dad and he's doing such an honorable thing by raising his son. But does he really want his son to run across the old DVD's of Daddy's Bachelor episodes one day and learn it was during this period of time when Daddy contracted a venereal disease?

Speaking of single parents...what about the single mothers who left their children at home so they could fly across the country to proclaim their hopeless dedication and devotion to this family man? Am I the only one who finds this puzzling?

And the girl who left her job as a school teacher???? Really?

Personally I think it's always very classy when a girl gets so sloshed on cheap wine the first night that she spills her guts within range of the 5,000 microphones placed strategically throughout the room.

Call me old-fashioned. Call me jaded. But this doesn't work. Sure, Trista and Ryan are doing just great, but while money doesn't buy happiness, it sure can't hurt. Yes, call me jaded.


Jenny said...

Your blog readers may get mad at me for this, but I absolutely despise those despicable Bachelor/Bachelorette shows. Any "dating advice" that I would ever give would be completely opposite of that ridiculous show. It's a a complete fraud and disregard for people's heart. And if people wanted to make themselves look like idiots in front of America, so be it. But then to involve a child. It enrages me! But I'll step off my soapbox before my blood pressure rises.

Angel said...

Oh, you know I'm a Bachelor faithful and I about gagged last night. Good grief. There is not much I would add to your post. ENOUGH SAID!

Em O-W said...

remind me to tell you about my friend who was on the Bachelor....hysterical!!