Check out this website that I stumbled upon today. I spent at least 10 minutes of my otherwise productive workday in a completely unproductive manner browsing the selection of demotivational posters. I'll just call it my smoke break and move on. Absolutely hilarious...if your humor is a bit jaded and laced with a dash of cynicism, that is. I can't pick just one favorite, but felt it appropriate to share this one here...
I love that website! When one of our co-workers was gone on vacation, we printed a bunch of those out and "decorated" her office. But . . . I had not seen that one before. That's hilarious!
yes! i know that website. love it! i think you will find a distinct pattern in which of your friends are familiar with the site...
I just had a flashback to your old job. Go to that website, go to the blogging poster, look at the "Perfect for" list below and click on "this poor guy" and then read the comments on the post and his responses.
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