Saturday, November 22, 2008

Filled With the Spirit...

Christmas spirit, that is.

Confession: I've been listening to Christmas music all day long. For those of you who know me well, you are probably looking toward the eastern skies right about now. I'm a fan of Christmas music, but as previously stated, it's very much a seasonal thing for me and I don't really like to listen to it until after Thanksgiving. However I was scanning through the stations earlier today on my way home from the mall when I heard Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Christmas Canon. Oh how I love TSO. Too bad they were in Atlanta oh...last weekend. Needless to say I stopped scanning and let it play through. Then the craziest thing happened - I broke out HP's Holiday Hits (both volumes) and listened all the way home. Perhaps it's a combination of the temperature this morning being in the 20's, the back-to-back Christmas movies on The Hallmark Channel that I always get sucked in to during this time of year, and hearing Christmas Canon in the car that has contributed to this early onset of Christmas cheer. I take back all the harsh words I've said about Christmas music being played prematurely. Play away. In moderation.


Bill & Stacie said...

TSO is my fav and Christmas Canon is my favorite X-mas song. Why do we find out these things about each other too late. Bill and I went to the concert and it was AMAZING! Don't mean to rub it in.

Anonymous said...

:0) :0) :0) :0) :0)

I'll just leave it at that.
