Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Remember how I mentioned yesterday that this week would be very busy? If a messy desk directly correlates with the amount of work one has to do, then I'm the busiest person I know. I mean, seriously-it's a little embarrassing...Can someone please explain to me why I have this many writing instruments out at once? There are 7 total for those of you who are losing count due to the sheer quantity. And who put the scissors there? I'm just glad that there is a mini jar of honey on hand too in the event that Winnie the Pooh stops by and inquires about admission into the college. Geez. I had finally had enough and determined that order must be restored. And so it was...
I can't wait until I get an actual office with a door and 4 real walls in a few weeks. I'm going to make it so cute and decorated.

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