Monday, December 15, 2008

Ho Ho Hum

I've come to the conclusion that I am at my blogging best when I have no less than 453 other things that I should be doing instead. Blogging serves as a great distraction when there are papers to be written, floors to be mopped, and laundry to be folded. Since I'm momentarily loosed from the bondage of paper writing, I had the opportunity this weekend to do fun and exciting things like mopping my floors and dusting the shelves and washing 11 loads of laundry. Seriously...11 loads. Let's not even talk about my dry cleaning bill unless it's for the sole purpose of asking for my address to make a contribution to HP's Clean Clothes Fund.

But all of the aforementioned things really aren't worthy of blogging about. It's not that I've been sitting around like a knot on a log or anything...I could blog about the amount of tears I shed while finishing up Marley and Me this weekend, but that's just depressing. Or my fun impromptu dinner with Bethie and her family on Saturday night. Or how I finally got around to framing some pictures. Or how I've been watching ridiculously cheesy Christmas movies on fa la la la Lifetime non-stop. But who really wants to read about the hum drum of my everyday life? Insomniacs, perhaps.

I suppose that I could talk about my trip to the grocery store Sunday afternoon. Back in the day, my very first job was as a Kroger girl (I know, the PC term is "cashier" but that's boring) so I love using self-checkouts anytime I go to the grocery store.'s a great opportunity for me to actually use all of those random produce codes that I committed to memory nearly 15 years ago (ex: bananas - 4011). However my motivation for using the self-checkout yesterday was out of sheer pride. I did not want the cashier to laugh at me and the contents of my cart. Yet, it seems that even the self-checkout register got a giggle. I don't know why the automatically generated coupon that it gave me when I finished ringing up all the goods was for Maalox...
Let's just say that I'm working on #5 of my to-do list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize you should be embarassed if those were the contents of your shopping cart... let's just say I've had a few trips like that myself this season. I just keep forgetting the Maalox :).

P.S. I love, LOVE your tree. Really!!!