Friday, September 19, 2008

Can't Decide?

Fact: The average American only does 8% of his of her week's work on a Friday. I heard that at a professional development conference so it must surely be true. I'm offering this little tidbit of information up as an explanation to why I'm blogging so much during normal business hours. It's because I've far exceeded my quota of allowable work already. Excuses, excuses...I'll stop making them.

I have already decided how I will be casting my ballot (is that worded correctly?) on Election Day but for those of you who are still in the decision-making process, might I recommend that you do this. Ignore all of the future debates, ignore the context in which these little blurbs were taken from and make your decision based solely on the results of this quiz. I'm kidding, people. My quiz results, however, are in line with my choice of candidate which therefore proves the validity and reliability of the measure. (Suddenly I feel like I'm re-living the nightmare that was Research Methods.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was 100% accurate on my candidate! Go McCain!! Just FYI - my neighbor reads your blog too...pretty soon you will be international!