Friday, September 19, 2008

Accept No Substitutes

Seeing as though it's Friday and I've been slaving away (bahaha) I decided to break the usual peanut butter and jelly sandwich pattern and treat myself to a sub from Publix for lunch. As far as I'm concerned Pub Subs with Boar's Head Turkey were served at the great feast. About 30 seconds into my drive I remembered my newest guilty pleasure...
and decided that I must have some. Immediately. Upon making this decision, I began to accelerate my car like a mad woman. Now the problem with this is that I work only about two minutes from the grocery store in an area not conducive for Autobahn speeds. The other problem with this is that I don't even really like potato chips. I can take them or leave them. That is, until I met Kettle Chips a few weeks ago. At Publix I patiently waited in line for my sandwich, and much to my dismay they did not have the little bags of Kettle Chips in the deli area so I cruised over to the chip aisle. I got about 2/3 of the way down before reality hit: NO KETTLE CHIPS. Sure, I found Lay's brand kettle-cooked chips, but those were unacceptable. I wanted the real deal and I would not waste my time, money or calories with any other chip. Shopping was not a pleasure at Publix today. Some of you are probably thinking that I'm a little brand snob and wonder why am I making such a big deal over ridiculous potato chips. If you are, then go eat one of these chips and you'll start singing a different tune. Now my mama worked hard not to raise a brand snob, but thanks to my daddy, I am one anyway. Fortunately it's only in regards to two things: food and shoes. Weird, huh? But we'll focus on those little personality quirks another day. In the meantime just delight in the fact that should you ever visit my house you are guaranteed Kellogg's or General Mills cereal for breakfast. I do have a point that's a little less shallow than a specific brand of potato chips here so please stay with me because I'm slowly getting to it. How is that we can walk out of a store without thinking twice if they don't have exactly what we want yet we'll spend months or even years sometimes in not-so-ideal situations because we're afraid that it is the best or only option? This is where faith and trust comes in and sometimes (most of the time) that is where the difficulty lies. It was easy for me to prance (I didn't really prance because I'm wearing heels and my parents didn't splurge on charm school when I was a girl) out of Publix because I know that I can go to the Kroger across town and have my pick of Kettle Chips. Sure I didn't have them for lunch like I originally wanted, but when I leave the gym today and head towards my apartment, I will drive right by the store and pick some up. And they'll be even better because I'll be able to scarf them down with less guilt since an hour of cardio will have taken place. So the next time you consider accepting a substitute, prance away from it knowing that the best is out there...and it'll be even better because you worked and waited for it.


Anonymous said...

Heather, I love your blogs and how you can take something like chips and bring it around to faith and patience in life, that's awesome! I love forward to your blogs everyday!

Joni said...

I love Salt & Ground Black Pepper Kettle chips. Those are the only chips I like!!!